Thursday, May 15, 2014


We just finished our church's women's retreat over Mother's Day weekend and it was a BLAST.  Some of you weren't there, and you were certainly missed.  Those of us who made it enjoyed 26 hours of meaningful conversation, began new friendships, deepened old ones and relished working out our faith together.

Then the retreat ended and we scurried back to our hoods, called our moms and dove into another busy week.  All of us thinking:
That was amazing.
I needed that!
The quiet.
The conversation.
The women.
The focus.
Can't wait to do it a year or depends...what's on the calendar?  Oh, ok.  I have a free weekend in 2023.  Let's plan on that.  Sound good?


I've been thinking lately.  My church is 2.35 miles from my front door.  You know why?  Because I was looking for a church where I could really be connected.  Where I could find the community I need in the chaos of city life.  I need women (that's you) who will challenge my faith.  Shift my perspective. Hold me accountable.  Women who share their struggles.  Women who pray for me.  Women who let me pray for them.  Women who are committed to living a joyful life.  Women who give their days, moment by moment, to Christ. I need Darlenes in my life.

In short, I need you.

Problem is, you're sometimes hard to get a hold of ( too).

We're busy.  Our calendars are full.  Our days move full speed ahead.  As Joanna said at the retreat: women move FAST.  So where is the time, the space to make this important connection? How can we keep the conversation going despite our neighboring zip codes and the hours of traffic in between?

Ta da!

A blog!

Read it in the morning.  Read it in bed before lights out.  Read it during a coffee break.  Read it when there's no new news.  Jump on the comment train.  Reply to someone else.  No, I'm not explaining to you how blogs work, I'm introducing you to modern women's ministry.

You can do it in your pjs.  In your post-workout sweat fest.  You can do it out of town.  No babysitter needed.  No calendar shuffle.  No excuses...well, except a blackout.  Or a tsunami.  Ok, there's a few excuses, but only a few!

So, Westside Gals, welcome to our new touchpoint.

Great to see you here.

I needed you.


  1. I enjoyed getting to know people that I don't normally get to talk to outside of the Nursery! Great to feel connected.

    ~Suzanne Hayes

    1. so glad you got to come, Suze, and squeeze in a good tree climb!

  2. Ellie, you amaze me. Your creative and organizational skills were on full display over the weekend at the retreat. Your devotion to God & worship are gifts you share with all of us every time you lead worship. And today (5 short days after the retreat) you jump in with a blog for us! My biggest take-away from the retreat is that I love the women of Westside. Some I've known for years, some are much newer to our family, but I am thoroughly blessed to be in fellowship with everyone of you!

  3. Ellie, the retreat was a total blessing. I only stayed that whole Saturday but felt rested and renewed when I got home, and the memory of it stays sweet in my heart and mind.
    I only heard Dotty Adams speak since I was only there Saturday, but it sure did enforce what I have always heard CBS ladies say about her being such a wonderful speaker.
    Your planning, and the help from those you enlisted to help, was perfect. Your music, as always, was uplifting and so appreciated.
    I got to know members I didn't know well and cherish those opportunities.

    This blog is a fantastic idea. I hope many Westside ladies come to share the blessings and anxieties of living in this side of Los Angeles as Christian women. Thank God we have each other.

    Let's keep this going! It's a great idea.

    1. I agree, there are many blessings to being a westsider and many anxieties as well! I hope you'll write a few posts for us and share your thoughts!

    2. I will definitely do that. Thanks for the honor, Ellie. xxx
