Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Thoughts from Zabelle Huss:

I recently sang at a retirement tribute to Dotty Larson who has led Community Bible Study in Santa Monica for 49 years. I wrote personalized words to “Thanks for the Memories,” only to find out, after I’d agreed to sing, that I’d be singing for Marty Goetz who would be performing, too! All went so well, thanks to the prayers of so many of my friends in the audience.

I tell you this because something occurred to me as I sat in the second pew and watched many women get up to speak or perform. I looked at these women and, not for the first time, it struck me; “where else does one find such truly good women of such fine character, no gossip I’ve ever heard (in the 10 years I lead at CBS), a true love for each other, caring, concerned, prayer warriors for anyone who needs it?”

Then I thought about our wonderful WCF Retreat a couple of weeks ago and how I’d had the same feeling there. We understand each other, we share life issues together, we know our concerns are taken seriously and prayed for by our Christian friends.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Musings from Meredith...

I recently attended our church's annual women's retreat; the theme verse for the weekend was Exodus 33:14, "My Presence will go with you and I will give you rest."

Throughout the weekend, we were encouraged to remember particular times when God was especially present in our circumstances of life. Sometimes we are able to tangibly experience God's peace, His Comforting Word, and His provision. Yet sometimes we don't.

On Monday morning, as the retreat was already becoming a fading memory, I opened a devotional book given to us at the previous year's retreat and read the same exact verse: "My Presence will go with you and I will give you rest."

Thursday, May 15, 2014


We just finished our church's women's retreat over Mother's Day weekend and it was a BLAST.  Some of you weren't there, and you were certainly missed.  Those of us who made it enjoyed 26 hours of meaningful conversation, began new friendships, deepened old ones and relished working out our faith together.

Then the retreat ended and we scurried back to our hoods, called our moms and dove into another busy week.  All of us thinking:
That was amazing.
I needed that!
The quiet.
The conversation.
The women.
The focus.
Can't wait to do it a year or depends...what's on the calendar?  Oh, ok.  I have a free weekend in 2023.  Let's plan on that.  Sound good?
