Sunday, February 22, 2015

IF: Gifts Part 2

Last time I wrote that God cares more about his gifts than yours.  True dat.  At IF:Gathering we were encouraged to bravely use our gifts to serve God and those around us.  So, what if you DO have a "gift"?  (Gift in quotes for lots of reasons.  Briefly, so much work goes into honing a "gift" that it's often a building, not a blessing.  For example - I'm a great musician.  No, really!  But what started as a propensity to enjoy music over other forms of entertainment or expression required years of study to learn/hone/articulate.)

So, what if you DO have a gift/talent/passion that you sense God asking you to use?

Monday, February 9, 2015

IF: Gifts Part 1 - What Are Your Gifts?

We recently attended the IF:Gathering from here in sunny Santa Monica.  Gathered in our sanctuary, we worshipped, prayed, laughed, learned and more as we watched the broadcast from Austin along with thousands of other women worldwide.  The experience was rich; the speakers were great.


Sometimes when emotions are high, or speakers are rushed, the whole story never gets stated or the truth doesn't get fully fleshed out.  So, I want to clarify something.

At IF:Gathering there was much talk of gifts and talents: How does God want to use your gifts and talents to do something amazing for Him? What are your talents and passions because those are the muscles you need to flex - that's how God will use you in a mighty way.  If you spend years not using your talents and gifts you're turning your back on the who God made you to be.
