Monday, January 26, 2015

What Is...

Are you having the kind of morning I'm having?  My daughter was up screaming until about 1am.  Not crying, not sort of noisy, literally screaming.  She was fine, just overtired and wouldn't let herself go to sleep.  Finally, I just put on headphones and listened to an audiobook.

I woke up with the aftermath of a disagreement with my husband still churning in my head.  Because, you know, rehashing it a million times and coming up with zingy retorts so we can launch back into it at breakfast is a great way to use my brain power on 5 hours sleep.  

My Bible study routine was interrupted.  I've been heading down to the coffee shop early each morning to get some time alone with God away from the messykitchen/toychaos/laundrypile/billstack and everything else that competes for my attention in the wee hours of the morning.  It lets me take a few unhurried breaths and clothe myself with good intention for the day.  Of course, this morning I got down there to find that I had no money and my Peet's card (with $85 on it!) was nowhere to be found.  In a huff, I repacked my bag and headed back home.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

IF: We were like Joshua

So excited about the IF event this February!  I hope you've registered.  If not, you can do so here.

Jennie Allen, visionary of IF, announced that this year's theme will be the faith of Joshua and Caleb.  Hear it from her:

Introduction to Joshua from IF : Equip on Vimeo.